SWOT Analysis

Questions to Ask

What does your company do better than its competitors?

What are your company's core competencies?

What unique resources does your company have?

What are its most valued assets?

What intangible assets does your company possess?

Listen to the CEO

Read interviews with the company CEO so you understand the company's core values and current strategy.

Read the CEO's Letter to the Shareholders in the company's latest annual report.

Watch the CEO and other officers in investor conference webcasts on the company's web site.

Build a Profile of the Company

Start out with a thorough understanding of what the company does, its lines of business and its revenue streams.

Databases with public company profiles:

Analyze Company Performance

Read the company's 10-K report to the SEC. Read the MD&A (Item 7 in the 10-K) for the company's analysis of its financial condition.