CUNY SPS: Introduction to Business Resources

Industry Analysis

Start your research by building a basic understanding of how the industry operates. You need to gain an understanding of what inputs are required, how goods are produced, and the various types of outputs. Read industry studies to identify the top competitors and their relationship to their suppliers and customers. 

Trade associations monitor industry trends, collect industry data and promote the interests of their members.  Their publications are often freely available at their websites.

Newman Library has many databases for doing industry research.

  Start with Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage

Industry Surveys published by Standard & Poor's are one of the best places to begin your research on a U.S. industry. All industry surveys include:

  • Analysis of the current environment
  • Discussion of industry trends
  • Explanation of how the industry operates

Find Industry Surveys

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Top Business News Databases

Reports from Trade Associations and Industry Groups

Associations monitor industry trends, collect industry data and promote the interests of their members. Their publications and websites are excellent sources of industry data.

To find the websites of industry associations use Google or your favorite search engine.

  Identify Industry Trends

Trade journals are good sources for identifying industry trends. Search in the following databases using your industry name or NAICS code and combine it with keywords like "trends" or "surveys" or "outlook."