International Trade: Statistics & Analysis

What is the size of the market? What are the current market trends?  Business databases and government & multilateral websites will help answer questions about your market.

  • Use statistics found in country trade profiles to analyze your choice of target country with trade data. Use the WITS Country Profiles for trade stats and tariff data.
  • If your country is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), use the WTO Trade Profiles for summary trade and tariff data
  • Start with the ITA Industries website if your industry is one that the U.S. International Trade Association promotes as offering  opportunities for U.S. investment. Their market intelligence reports cover industries and their sectors and sub-sectors.
  • Use databases like Passport (Euromonitor), FitchConnect and Mintel to find industry and product-level reports and analysis for your target market.

Research Industries in International Markets

Research industries in your target country with these databases that cover international markets:

Research Industries in U. S. Markets

If you are importing a product you should research  the industry and competition in the United States.