Venture Capital

An Introduction to Venture Capital

The Venture Capital Industry consists of VC Firms, Limited Partners, and the Entrepreneurial Companies they fund. VC firms raise money from Limited Partners for specific funds. These funds are then invested in Entrepreneurial Companies.  Inside this guide:

Venture Capital 101

Venture Capital is a subset of Private Equity funding, which has fewer regulatory requirements than public finance.  Private Equity processes and practices differ significantly across geographies, so be sure to note the country of origin of whatever material you are looking at.  Here are some basic summaries of venture financing in the United States and Europe.  Within Europe, Private Equity financing practices also differ across countries.

Define Venture Capital

From the National Venture Capital Association -

Business Librarian

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Ryan Phillips
Ryan Phillips | Business Librarian & Associate Professor | Newman Library, Room 321 | 151 East 25th Street | New York, NY 10010

Guide Created By:

This guide was originally created by Baruch College librarian, Jean Yaremchuk.