Do I need IRB approval for my research?
Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval is required for research that involves human subjects. IRBs are managed at the CUNY level, but Baruch's Office of Research Compliance and Outreach (ORCO) is here to help you navigate the IRB process. Both the CUNY and Baruch websites have links to trainings and tutorials about what constitutes human subject research.
Please reach out to the ORCO office for help in determining whether your project requires IRB approval, and if so, how to move forward.
You may prefer an open publishing route. CUNY Academic Works is CUNY's institutional repository. This means you can upload both works that have not been published elsewhere (e.g., student theses), as well as works that have been published for which you have permission to add to your institutional repository. (Many journals permit authors to upload a copy of their article to an institutional repository. Check with your specific journal for more information.)