News Articles
Most comprehensive databases for news:
Factiva Provides global news, business, and financial information from newspapers, magazines, newswires, and trade journals. Includes information on companies and industries, and financial profiles.
Try our search tutorial. Nexis Uni Search regional, national and international newspapers, law, legislation and court cases. Find company profiles and business and industry news. Formerly known as LexisNexis Academic.
Other news databases to try:
Alt-Press Watch Newspaper and magazine articles from the alternative and independent press.
Ethnic NewsWatch Articles from newspapers and magazines of the ethnic minority and native press with a special focus on African-American, Hispanic, Latino, Chicano, Native American, Asian-American, Jewish, Arab-American and European-American news
Westlaw (Thomson Reuters) Includes decisions and case law from state and federal courts, laws from all 50 states, federal regulations, American Law Reports, American Jurisprudence 2d, and articles from law reviews and journals.
Scholarly / Academic Sources
Journal articles, conference papers, scholarly book chapters, etc.
OneSearch Also found on the library home page in the yellow search box. Search in one place for books, articles, videos, and more. Combines in one searchable place these three things: the CUNY library catalog; a massive index of articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers; and unique digital content from the library.
Data and Statistics
Overlooked but essential way to find stats: look for them in articles you have already found.
Alternatively, search for them on your own in various databases and websites.
Always ask a librarian for help: finding statistics can be particularly challenging.
Statista Statistical information on over 600 industries from over 10,000 different sources, such as market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources. You may need to clear your browser cache to access this or use a browser in "private" or "incognito" mode.
Legal Information
Court decisions, laws, and articles in law review journals and legal trade publications.
Nexis Uni Search regional, national and international newspapers, law, legislation and court cases. Find company profiles and business and industry news. Formerly known as LexisNexis Academic.
Westlaw (Thomson Reuters) Includes decisions and case law from state and federal courts, laws from all 50 states, federal regulations, American Law Reports, American Jurisprudence 2d, and articles from law reviews and journals.