Be flexible and creative with your search terms.
- think of synonyms
- think of alternate spellings
- banning OR banned OR ban OR censoring OR censored OR censor
Put quotation marks around things commonly expressed as phrases:
- "police brutality"
- "climate change"
- "emotional intelligence"
Your search should not be a sentence or clause:
- AVOID THIS: books being banned in NYC libraries
- TRY THIS: books AND banning AND libraries AND new york
Type "AND" between search terms that express concepts that must be present:
- "climate change" AND "sea levels"
- "policy brutality" AND legislation
Type a set of parentheses and the word "OR" to search for a set of synomyms or related terms:
- "animal cruelty" AND (dogs OR puppies OR canines)
- books AND (banning OR banned OR ban OR censoring OR censored OR censor) AND "new york" AND libraries
- congestion AND (tunnels OR bridges OR intersections OR highways)
Prefer nouns for your search terms, not verbs:
- Instead of this: women confronting patriarchy using art
- Use this: women AND art AND patriarchy AND confront
- Even better: women AND art AND patriarchy AND (confront OR critique OR attack)