IBS 5750: Capstone Project

Use news databases to research companies,products,  industries and countries.

  • Factiva is the largest global news database and should be your first choice for international news
  • EMIS offers company, industry and country news for emerging market countries.
  • Use Business Source and ABI/Inform for articles from trade journals and business magazines.

Learn how to set up Google for a country-specific search.


Factiva Logo

One of the largest global business news databases (more than 9,000 international newspapers, magazines and trade journals).


  • Breaking news from the Dow Jones and Reuters wire services
  • Archives of news from The Wall Street Journal and Barron's
  • Articles from the Financial Times (with a 30 day embargo)
  • Key business newspapers and trade journals from countries around the world
  • Television and radio transcripts

Search in English or 22 other languages.

Business Soruce Complete

Use Business Source Complete to find articles from magazines, trade journals and the business press including Fortune, Bloomberg Business Week, Forbes, and Investor's Business Daily.


Use ABI/INFORM to find articles from magazines, trade journals and the business press including The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Barron's, and The Economist.



EMIS covers 149 emerging markets with country , company and industry news. Find news in English and 16 other languages from thousands of local and international news sources.

Choose the Companies, Industries, or Countries tab to open the "Latest News" pages. Then choose to view the Latest News or  News by Topic or use the small search box  to "search within news" by keyword or company name.

Use Google for a Country-specific Search

Google search bar

Use Google for a Country-specific Search. To find web pages published in a particular region or country, open "Settings" on the Google search bar and choose "Advanced Search."

Change Google Search Settings


Scroll down to the options to "Narrow Your Results" by region.

Google search by region