BUS 2000: How to "Shadow-A-Company"

Start your research with a company profile. Learn about company performance, history, management, shareholders, markets and more with one of these databases.


Factiva: Companies/Markets

Factiva Logo

Factiva Company Snapshots feature financial reports, business & geographic segment data , and  a peer comparison with U.S. and global competitors.

Extensive company news includes press releases and articles from trade journals.

Mergent Online

Mergent Logo

Mergent company profiles feature a list of company subsidiaries, U.S. and global of competitors, executive profiles, ownership.and supply chain data.

Find In-depth financials: Balance sheet & income statements, earnings estimates, financial ratios, stock prices, annual reports & SEC filings.

Business Insights Global

Company profiles feature in-depth company histories, a company chronology, and rankings & market share data,

Value Line Research

The Value Line financial profile for public companies features analyst commentary on  current  performance along with financial data (current, historical and projections) and Value Line investment ratings..