LIB 4900: Sociotechnical Analysis of Artificial Intelligence - Prof. Francoeur

May 3 (Friday)

Due Today

  • Copyright status of your generative AI prompts and outputs. Assigned April 19due May 3.

Copyright and AI

Basics of Copyright

Define what these are and explain why they are needed

  • Copyright
  • Fair use
  • Public domain

Inputs and outputs

Training data

Bloomberg Television. “Can Copyright Law Stop Generative AI and ChatGPT?” YouTube, 28 Jun. 2023,


  • Should companies building foundational models for AI be able to claim fair use in all cases when gathering training data?
  • Should companies have to pay to gather and use copyrighted training data?
  • Should companies have to request permission for copyrighted training data?
  • What are examples of fair use that have been applied in similar legal battles between technology companies and copyright owners?

May 6 (Monday)

Legal liabilities and AI

Assessing the semester

  • Complete this online form in class that asks:
    • What are three things you learned in class this semester that were new to you?
    • What's one thing you wish we had learned about or that you are still confused about?
  • In-Class Activity #12 (due May 22)
    • Write a one-page essay expanding on your answers to these questions:
      • What are three things you learned in class this semester that were new to you?
      • What's one thing you wish we had learned about or that you are still confused about?
  • Complete student evaluation form

May 10 (Friday)

Environmental Impact of AI




May 13 (Monday)

Due Today

  • Presentation

May 22 (Wednesday)

Final Exam

  • 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
  • Room 135 (our usual classroom)
  • Same format as mid-term exam