When you click "Define Your Search," you are presented with options you must select before you can type your search terms:
Books (print + ebooks) will search the OneSearch system.
Articles will search the OneSearch system for articles in journals, newspapers, and magazines.
Videos will search the OneSearch system for streaming videos and DVDs
Books + Articles + Videos will search OneSearch for all of the above format types and more.
Databases will link you to a page with an A-Z list of all library databases.
Journals will search the OneSearch system for journals we have online and in print.
Newspapers + Magazines will search the OneSearch system for newspapers and magazines we have online and in print.
Course Reserves will link you to a page listing all the courses where we have items on reserve.
Library Services & Policies will search just the library web pages for info about our services.
1. Quote marks around phrases = more precise results
2. Type AND in all caps between concepts
3. "Filter" your search results by resource type, date, and more. Use the "Limit to" option for "Peer Reviewed Journals" to get just scholarly journal articles.
4. Use "Advanced Search" mode for greater control