OneSearch Guide


Find books, articles, videos, and more!

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What's in OneSearch?

What you CAN find in OneSearch

checkbox  Scholarly journal articles, magazine articles, newspaper articles
checkbox  Print books & ebooks @ Baruch College
checkbox  Print books @ other CUNY colleges

What you can SOMETIMES find in OneSearch


 Streaming videos & DVDs
 Alternative: use the Videos & Movies guide


 Articles from reference books
 Alternative: use the Dictionaries & Encyclopedias databases


What you CAN'T find in OneSearch

Can't find

 Data & statistics
 Alternative: use the Statistics databases

Can't find

 Company & industry reports
 Alternative: use the Business databases

Can't find

 Market research reports
 Alternative: use the Marketing databases

OneSearch on the Library Home Page

OneSearch options in yellow search box

CUNY OneSearch Overview

Top Search Tips

1. Quote marks around phrases = more precise results

quote marks around phrase


2. Type AND in all caps between concepts

AND between search concepts


3. "Filter" your search results by resource type, date, and more.

Use filters on right side of search results


4. Use "Advanced Search" mode for greater control

Advanced search mode

Finding Scholarly Journal Articles with OneSearch