Newman Library Sources on Martin S. Begun

Links to archival and library resources with information on Martin S. Begun

Martin S. Begun's Curriculum Vitae




Mr. Begun's career as a consultant; as Vice President and Associate Dean of New York University's University Medical Center and School of Medicine; and other academic appointments; and his extensive service on boards and commissions, as well as his publications and speeches, are provided in his curriculum vitae.   






                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mr. Begun in the 1970s.

Written by Mr. Begun

Many articles and reports authored by Mr. Begun during his long career and service on boards and commissions, listed in his curriculum vitae, are not available in electronic format due to the time periods that they were written.  The following articles were found in  a print journals owned by the library or posted on Internet sites. Others may be requested through the Library's interlibrary loan service.

1996 Tribute by Congresswoman Carolyn Mahoney

Newman Library Databases Offering Information

The following Newman Library databases may be searched for articles quoting Mr. Begun, interviews of him, or links to his publications.