LIB 1015 - Francoeur - Fall 2011


The final project counts for 25% of your grade.

Final Project

The Research Question

You must develop a highly focused research question. A major portion of your grade on this project will be determined by how well you develop a manageable, researchable, and interesting question.

Your question must be directly related to Google in some way.

The Complete Final Project (Due December 12)

Your final project must include these four things:

1. Your research question
2. An annotated bibliographyof at least 15 sources. Citations should be done in MLA style. Each annotation will use complete, grammatically correct sentences and MUST include:
  • identification of what type of source it is (newspaper article, magazine article, peer-reviewed journal article, other journal article, book, book chapter, encyclopedia entry, etc.)
  • review of the main points of the source
  • defense of how this source is directly relevant to your research question (the more you can explain the connections between the source and your question, the better)
  • explanation of how authoritative this source is (tell me briefly what you know about the author)
  • thoughts about how you would use this source (background? exhibit? argument? method?); it is OK if you see using a source in a couple of different ways.
Your bibliography must include
  • At least three books
  • At least three peer-reviewed journal articles
  • At least three newspaper or magazine articles
  • At least one entry from a reference encyclopedia
3. A concept map (hand drawn is OK or you can use of your topic
4. A chart listing all the information producersyou can think of

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Stephen Francoeur
he / him / his
Newman Library
Room 421
Baruch College
151 E. 25th Street
New York, NY 10010

(646) 312-1620