Find articles & reports on companies, industries, & careers
These Newman Library databases contain trade/professional journals, news articles, and industry reports. Search for articles discussing an occupation, company or industry.
Find articles from trade journals and magazines, scholarly journals, and general interest magazines covering accounting, advertising, business, company information, industry Information, management, marketing, real estate, economics, finance, human resources, and international business.
Provides global news, business, and financial information from newspapers, magazines, newswires, and trade journals. Includes information on companies and industries, and financial profiles. Try our search tutorial.
Search regional, national and international newspapers, law, legislation and court cases. Find company profiles and business and industry news. Formerly known as LexisNexis Academic.
This database contains information for millions of U.S. & Canadian companies and health providers. Click on the "Advanced Search" tab to filter by business type, geography, business size, executive names, and other options. You can download/print results. This database partners with to list jobs based on your search results.
Guide demonstrating how to use ReferenceUSA filters and how to search by SIC (Standard Industry Codes) and NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) codes to identify companies within a specific industry. Examples include corporate communication industry codes.