Human Resource Management

Key Management Databases

Other Databases

How to Search a Database

First, Choose a Database. Databases have subject strengths. At Newman Library browse a list of databases by subject.

Then, Brainstorm Keywords - Most databases, unlike Google, don't use a single search box where you enter a string of words. Instead break your research question down into one or more concepts. Develop keywords to describe each concept.

Boolean operators (or logical connectors) -- AND, OR, and NOT-- are used to link keywords in search statements.  Boolean operators are used to broaden or narrow a search. 

AND Keywords combined with AND will retrieve records only where both terms appear.

AND is used to narrow a search

Example:   Avon AND market share 

OR Keywords combined with OR will retrieve records where either one or both terms appear.

OR is used to broaden a search 

Example:   hmo OR health maintenance organization 

Truncation – Truncation allows you to search for plurals or other variant endings of a word. Add a “wildcard” symbol to stand for one or more characters at the end of the word stem.

Example: Downsize* will retrieve downsized or downsizing

Example: wom*n will retrieve woman or women

Be Careful: cat* will retrieve cats, category, catastrophe

What is Find It!

Find at CUNY

When a database does not include the fulltext of an article, use the Find it! @ CUNY button.

Find it! will link you to the fulltext if it is available in another database.

If the article is not available through Find it!, request the article through Interlibrary Loan.

Articles will be sent to your Baruchmail within 1 to 3 days.

Ryan Phillips | Business Librarian

Ryan Phillips Image



Ryan Phillips | Business Librarian & Associate Professor                                                                  
Newman Library, Baruch College,
​ryan.phillips (at)
