The history of New York City has a long and exciting history. From 1500 to the present, significant personalities and events mark each time period and a variety of sources can help tell this story. Until the 20th century, the history of the city is a history of independent boroughs, but in 1898 Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island were consolidated to become the New York City that we know today, and a new chapter in the history of New York City begins.
Seal of the City of New York
Burrows, Edwin and Mike Wallace. Gotham: A History of the City of New York to 1898. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. F128.3 B87 1999
Homberger, Eric. The Historical Atlas of New York City: A Visual Celebration of Nearly 400 Years of New York City History. New York: H. Holt and Company, 1994. F128.3 H65 1994
Jackson, Kenneth T. The Encyclopedia of New York City. New Haven, Ct.: Yale University Press, 2010. REF. F128.3 E75 2010
Stokes, I.N. Phelps. Iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498-1909. New York: Arno Press, 1967. Archives, 5th floor F128.3 S856
This Research Guide was originally created by Professor Emeritus Sandra Roff, previously Archivist of Baruch College.