Research Impact Analysis

Author Identifiers

In order to analyze impact, authors must first identify and summarize their scholarly activity.  Unique identifiers avoid ambiguity among similarly named scholars or scholars who may change their name over time and allow for accurate and efficient reporting.  Some organizations and database vendors have created their own unique identifiers, such Scopus Author ID and Web of Science, which are specific to activity within a platform.  Alternatively, the ORCID iD is a free and independently managed tracking mechanism to more broadly capture all works attributable to an author in the scholarly communication ecosystem.  The benefits of a unique identifier are enhanced discoverability, links for potential collaboration, portable data, and reduced administrative burden.  

Web of Science ResearcherID

A Web of ScienceResearcherID is a unique identifier that differentiates authors and their works in the Web of Science.  

Create a Web of Science researcher profile here.  Next, claim author records such as publications, peer review activity, or editor records as described here.

Web of Science ResearcherID provides a useful index of author information and is also used by the Web of Science Group products (Web of Science, InCites, EndNote) to match and disambiguate researchers across products.

ResearcherID integrates with ORCID iD to consolidate information about an author's works. 

Scopus Author ID

The Scopus Author ID is automatically generated for materials indexed in the database and algorithmically ties them to author profiles.  Authors cannot create an account if one does not exist. 

Graphic showing how Scopus author profile is created


Authors can search for their profile here and view instructions on how to navigate the system here.  

Picture of author search page

The Scopus Author ID allows researchers to view a list of their publications and view citation metrics such as h-index measures, citation counts, publications and co-authors.  Due to the algorithmic generation of the profile, it is possible to have multiple records which need to be merged or materials inaccurately attributed to an author.  Authors can update and merge profiles using the Scopus Author Feedback Wizard function explained here.

Scopus Author ID can be linked to ORCID iDs.


The 16-digit Open Researcher and Contributor ID, or ORCID iD, is a free identifier managed by the researcher which is not tied to a specific vendor or database.

Researchers can create their own ORCID iD here and update their record using these instructions.  Some organizations such as granting bodies require researchers to provide an ORCID iD.  Information can also be useful for the researcher's own purposes such as collecting statistics for personnel actions.

Other Author Identifiers

Authors can create a Google Scholar Profile and mine the Google Scholar data, as well as create a profile in a university specific repositoriy such as CUNY Academic Works to create reports that provide additional context on research impact.