LIB 4900: Sociotechnical Analysis of Artificial Intelligence - Prof. Francoeur

January 26 (Friday)



Please interview the person you are paired up with for 5 minutes. Find out the following about your classmate so that you can report back to the class:

  • Name
  • Major
  • Status (upper junior, lower senior, etc.)
  • Neighborhood where they live
  • A surprising or unusual fact about them

Syllabus Review

Activity: Take the technology survey.

Intro to Microsoft Office


  • Navigate to OneDrive on the web
  • Create a folder named "LIB 4900"
  • From within that folder, create a new Word document
  • Share that document with your instructor, Stephen Francoeur
  • Start a one-page essay that will be due on Monday, January 29, by the start of class that tells about your journey so far in the information studies minor. I'd like to hear about each of the classes in the minor you've taken. Make sure you tell me the course name or number, who your instructor was, and what specific things you got out of the class.

Due for Monday (Jan. 29)

  • In-class activity #1

January 29 (Monday)

Due Today

  • In-class activity from Jan. 26 (one-page essay on your courses in the info studies minor)

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Slide presentation

Video to watch in class

CrashCourse, “What Is Artificial Intelligence? Crash Course AI #1.” YouTube, 9 Aug. 2019,

  • Class discussion
    • What are the two developments that powered the AI revolution?

Gartner Hype Cycles

  • Link to Gartner database
  • Review Gartner's "Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence, 2023"

In-Class Activity #2

  • Make a copy of the glossary assignment and save to your OneDrive
    • rename the file to [your name] - LIB 4900 - glossary
    • put your name at the top left of your copy of the glossary
  • Find definitions for "artificial intelligence" and "artificial general intelligence" and add them to your personal Glossary assignment

Due for Friday (Feb. 2)