Encyclopedias offer summaries of aspects of higher education in the United States during different time periods. These summaries may be helpful in providing some background, important educators and policy makers, and dates of important events. Some examples are shown below. You may either search OneSearch and limit your search to books and then electronic books or use the other databases.
The Newman Library has print and electronic (e-books) on higher education, its history, challenges and issues, and accomplishments.
Since the library is currently closed, this guide will focus on e-books that are available through the Newman Library.
Advanced Searches in OneSearch limited to books enable you to search for:
Known titles and authors
Books and reports with specific keywords that you decide
Books by the Library of Congress's Subject Headings--which are predetermined. They may not always match your idea of a subject.
Tip: Universities and Colleges --United States--History is one subject that the Library of Congress uses
Another: Education, Higher --United State--History
There are many more subject headings.
Once you locate a book that you think will be helpful to your research, click on the hyperlink of the subject headings for the book. Other books with the same subject headings will be retrieved.
Normally, books and reports in other CUNY libraries are available by request or going to the library. Due to the coronavirus, the libraries are closed and books can't be requested from other CUNY Libraries.
These books were located by searching OneSearch. You may access them through the links below or through searching OneSearch or the database Gale E-books for books.