CUNY SPS Library Services in Spring 2025 (last update: March 20, 2025)

3/20/20205 --E-Reserves / Brightspsce Issue

E-Reserves /Brightspace Issue 

ALERT: March 20, 2025 - Problem with Linking to E-Reserves from Brightspace


If you are trying to connect to e-reserves, please go to this library web page for e-reserves to find the link to your class materials:


You will need to enter in your class-specific password to access your materials.

The password is usually the instructor's last name followed by the course number.


Need help? Call 646-312-1610 or 646-312-1660




When Visiting The Library In-Person Please Bring The Following to Get Access:

When Visiting the Library In-Person Please Bring Along the Following:


  • Your CUNY SPS Username and Password (please note this is not the same as your CUNY First login information). You'll need this to log on to the library computer workstations when you arrive. You'll also need this if you want to purchase printing. This information is provided you by the CUNY SPS Help Desk at the start of the semester. Check your email for a message from the CUNY SPS Help Desk about this.

On Site Wireless Network: Eduroam

Connecting to the Wireless Network at the Library:

If you bring along your own device and need wireless access, you can log into the wireless network using your CUNY First Login information by selecting the network named Eduroam eduroam logo

Computer Workstations:

Computer Workstations:

Dedicated computer workstations are available in the library.

To login to these workstations, you'll need to use your CUNY SPS Username and Password (not your CUNY First login information).

Your CUNY SPS username and password is provided to you by the CUNY SPS Help Desk at the start of the semester.

Check your email for a message from the CUNY SPS Help Desk about this.



The printers in the Library are available for use. CUNY SPS students can send print jobs for purchase to (requires SPS username and password log on). Five complimentary printing credits are loaded. After using them up, users need to purchase more at the printing kiosk next to the reference desk on the second floor.

Black & white prints are $0.20 per page and color prints are $1.00 per page. Printing accounts expire on the last day of every semester.

*To login to the printing kiosk, you'll need to use your CUNY SPS Username and Password (not your CUNY First login information).

Your CUNY SPS username and password is provided to you by the CUNY SPS Help Desk at the start of the semester.

Check your email for a message from the CUNY SPS Help Desk about this.

Equipment Loans and Returns:

Equipment Loans:

Equipment loans (such as CUNY SPS laptops) will be transacted at the circulation desk on site in the Library on the second floor.  The items available for loan and the associated loan periods are listed on the Library’s technology loan services page.

Equipment Returns:

Laptop and other types of equipment should be returned at the technology loan desk.  Please do not place these in the book drop.

Fourth Floor Reopens Partially:

Fourth Floor Reopens Partially:

The north side of the fourth floor has reopened for use.  The books on that floor are now stored on new mobile high-density shelving.  Library users who do not have experience with this type of shelving should ask a staff member at the circulation desk on the 2nd floor for assistance with retrieving a book. The south side of the floor, including the study rooms, remains closed until the completion of the stack renovation project.  Public Safety has placed caution tape around the perimeter advising users not to enter that area.

Library Hours:

Library Hours are posted here:


Reference Services

Reference Services:

The on-site reference desk is staffed according to the hours posted on the Library’s hours page

The 24x7 chat service form appears on the SPS Library Services home page.

Group Study Rooms:

Group Study Rooms:

All the study rooms in the Library are available to students on a first-come, first-served basis. Keys are loaned at the circulation desk on the 2nd floor.

Books on Reserve & Textbooks:

Books on Reserve and Textbooks:

Loans of books on reserve for courses are transacted at the main circulation desk.

Interlibrary Loan:

Interlibrary Loan:

Interlibrary loan service is available. Details are posted on the ILL service web page.

Scanning Stations:

Scanning Stations:

The scanners are available on the second floor of the library.

*To login to the scanning station, you'll need to use your CUNY SPS Username and Password (not your CUNY First login information).

Your CUNY SPS username and password is provided to you by the CUNY SPS Help Desk at the start of the semester.

Check your email for a message from the CUNY SPS Help Desk about this.

Course-Related Lectures

Course-Related Lectures:

The Library’s faculty provides research sessions for classes in other academic departments.  Instructors who request a session from the Library should expect that it will be delivered remotely via Zoom.