Wall Street Analysts' build financial models to predict the forward or future earnings of the companies they follow.
Financial databases report both the actual estimates from individual analysts and a consensus estimate. The consensus forecast is the average or median of all the estimates from individual analysts. Consensus estimates are published for the current quarter and year and for future quarters/years.
Investors watch for differences between the consensus and the actual earnings reported by the company. Stock prices will move on reports that the company fell short of, or exceeded, the consensus.
Read about Earnings Estimates and Their Impact on Stock Prices.
FactSet uses CallStreet Reports to provide transcripts (in PDF format only) of earnings calls. Transcripts are available only for the latest year.
FactSet also offers summary and analysis of company earnings releases including:
FactSet's Backline Report of the current earnings release highlights changes/additions/ deletions from the company's earlier report.
FactSet is available in the Subotnick Financial Services Center at Baruch.