CINAHL Complete: How to Search

What is CINAHL?

CINAHL Complete is the most comprehensive Nursing and allied health literature database.

CINAHL is actually an acronym: Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature

It is different from other databases because of it's primary focus on Nursing, unlike Pubmed which focuses more generally on biomedical literature.

It contains journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, evidence-based care sheets and more.

Search Screen Basics

This is the CINAHL landing page:

On it you have a search bar, in which you can search for your terms.

Also, next to the search bar is a dropdown menu bar where you can specify where you want to search for your terms.





Specify by Resource Type

On the search screen specify what kinds of sources you want to get results from. For example:

Only results that come from Nursing journals:

Only articles where the primary author is a Nurse:

Only articles where any of the authors is a Nurse:

Only articles that are Peer-reviewed:

Only results that are Clinical Queries:

Subject Heading Searching

CINAHL has a rich subject search index that allows you to find very precise information, especially in conjunction with limiters.

To use CINAHL subjects,  click on the top of the screen where it says CINAHL Subjects.

From this page you can browse subjects and construct searches.


Creating an EBSCO Account

The CINAHL Complete database allows you to create a personal account (via EBSCOHOST--CINAHL’s parent company)

A personal account allows you save your searches and create folders for later viewing.

The EBSCOHOST account does not rovide you access to the database, rather only to your saved material.

This personal account is not tied to your library account, nor is it managed by the library.

You first need to log into CINHAL via the library in order to get access to the database and then separately log in to your personal account to access your saved materials.