Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Course Materials

Intro to GIS Using Open Source Software

PLEASE NOTE: while the workshop is no longer being offered, the tutorial manual and materials are still updated and available for individual, self-directed study.

Do you have a research question that you'd like to envision geographically? Maybe you'd like to study neighborhoods and businesses to target a market. Or perhaps you want to visualize the distribution of education, employment, or resources across the country or around the world. Have you ever wanted to add a map to your presentations or reports, but couldn't find one that suits your needs?

This practicum introduces participants to geographic information systems (GIS) as a concept for envisioning information and as a tool for conducting geographic analyses and creating maps. Participants will learn how to navigate a GIS interface, how to prepare map layers and conduct a basic geographic analysis, and how to create thematic maps using the open source software QGIS.


Participants will:

  • Add data to GIS software and navigate a GIS interface
  • Perform basic geoprocessing operations for preparing vector GIS data
  • Convert text-based data to a GIS data format
  • Conduct geographic analyses using standard GIS tools and vector data
  • Create thematic maps using the principles of map projections, data classification, symbolization, and cartographic design
  • Locate GIS data on the web and consider the merits of different data sources
  • Demonstrate competency with a specific GIS package (open source QGIS)
  • Identify other GIS topics (tools and techniques for analysis), data formats (raster, vector), and software to pursue for future study


QGIS Raster Tutorial